More Reading
I enjoy reading but I'm very sporadic. Sometimes I read through a book in a few days and other times I go for months stuck on the same chapter without reading anything. Anyone who's following me on Goodreads will note I started reading "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer in early November, having read an excellent and inspiring book on his life called "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy" by Eric Metaxas. But I'm still stuck on chapter 1, having not read it since I first started. I could blame work, but it's more that I've been playing with my iPad too much during my downtime! CSR2 is particularly addictive.
I also have some technical books I'd like to read, but haven't got to yet (see photo!). In 2017 I want to soak up more spiritual, technical and fun stuff!
More Writing

International Water Association (IWA)
So, do I need to write more? I was reflecting on this a bit and it dawned on me that of all the things I do, writing is probably the most impactful for future generations. Not that I'm a particularly great writer, but my small impact on the world is most noticeable in whatever I leave behind in written form - in electronic written form of course! So in 2017 I want to be a little more active in blog writing and I'm even toying with a couple of ideas for fiction... yup a poop engineer thinking about writing a novel, and no, the title won't include any mention of fecal material!
More Prayer
"Pray continually..."
In recent years I've learned that my walk with God is strengthened by me spending more time with Him. The old theological term is "progressive sanctification." (And I'm no theologian so forgive me if I've misunderstood the terminology... you get my gist though). But knowing about it and doing it are totally different. It makes sense that if we want to honor God, grow in Him and follow his lead, then we need to spend time with Him in His presence. One of the best ways to do that is to pray. The method, the timing and the substance of the prayer may vary, but the ultimate thing is that I need to pray with "all kinds of prayers." So in 2017, in addition to reading more, maybe writing more, I want to be praying more. That way I'll be more in tune with Jesus and what He wants me to be focused on.
How about you? What are you going to do more in 2017?

How about you? What are you going to do more in 2017?