Tucked in the middle of the Psalm in verse 17 is this line:
How precious to me are your thoughts, God!It's a verse that you can easily just step through and not think about too much. Maybe David just needed a nice line to bridge between talking about how God sees our unformed bodies before we're born and a call for Him to help against those who hate God? But I don't think so. The Bible says that God considered David "a man after his own heart" and so there's more to it for sure. This guy sought after God's heart.
How vast is the sum of them!
So what are God's thoughts? That's what has been on my mind this past week. Elsewhere in the Bible God says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” and "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." My thoughts range all over the place from "I wonder what's for dinner?" and "I need coffee" to "I wonder if that pain in my back is cancer?" and "what picture should I use in slide 14 of my presentation next week"!! I'm sure others have their own random thoughts and threads.
But God's thoughts aren't the same as ours. His thoughts are higher. His thoughts are precious to David. So what are they?
In wanting to know God's thoughts, there's a new level of intimacy. We see people's actions and hear their words, but for those we love most we often wonder what they're thinking. "A penny for your thoughts" as the saying goes. Perhaps it's the same with God. We hear what he says in reading His Word and written on the tapestry of creation. We see what He did through what is written in scripture - particularly when Jesus walked the Earth - and for many we see His hand working in our lives. But what are His thoughts?
Should we ask?
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